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My summer holidays
05.07.2015, 11:39


( учебник К. Кауфман «Счастливый английский» 7 класс )


Тема урока: Мои летние каникулы. (My summer holidays).


Цели урока: - развитие самостоятельности, творческих способностей, умения проводить исследовательскую работу;

                       -воспитание уважения к культуре других народов, осознание национальной самобытности, гордости и любви к своей родине;

                       -развитие речевых умений по теме (говорить, переводить, писать);

                       -сопутствующая задача- скрытый контроль сформированности речевых умений.


Задачи урока: -проконтролировать умения учащихся употреблять лексический и грамматический материал в работе с текстом по родному городу;

                        -проверить навыки работы в парах и группах при подготовке презентаций;

                        -применить знания по пройденному материалу в написании сочинений и обсуждении презентаций.



Языковой материал: - лексический и грамматический материал по программе;

                                    - лексика, дополнительно используемая в индивидуальных проектах.



Оснащение урока: 1. Карта города Нягани.

                                 2. Плакат с видами города Нягань.

                                 3. Практико-ориентированные проекты учащихся.

                                 4. Идентификационные карточки.

                                 5. Текст “There is no place like Nyagan”.

                                 6. Карта мира на английском языке.

                                 7. Аудирование текста «Герб Нягани».

                                 8. Групповые задания по работе с текстом.












                                            ПЛАН   УРОКА


I.Организационный момент.

  1. Диалог с дежурным.

  2. T: Do you like travelling? How can people travel? (by train, by plane, by sea, by car, on foot) Do you like travelling by train? Prove it.

         sleep            quick           meet many interesting people      read

                sit        dining cars         not so expensive          pleasant

comfortable                          look out of the window             interesting places


II. Warm up.

   T: Who went on holiday abroad?

        Who went to the sea?

       Who stayed in Nyagan?

   T: Well, I’d like to know whether you know  the capitals of the countries. Name and show the capital of the USA. (The capital of the USA is Washington).

England   -    (London)

Canada    -    (Ottawa)

Australia  -    (Canberra)

Italy        -    (Rome)

France     -     (Paris)

Russia     -     (Moscow)

Our Okrug -   (Khanty-Manseysk)


III.Определение темы урока:

    T: Today we have an unusual lesson. It can be called “My Summer Holidays”. You can present your projects, presentations and essays about your native town. Your works will help us to plan our trip. The motto of our lesson is:

“There are a lot of cities,

  Beautiful and fine.

            But the city I like best

            Is, no doubt, mine.”

At the previous lesson you read the text “There is no place like Nyagan”. Let’s go on a tour about the town and do some tasks. You’ll work in groups for 3 minutes.


 The 1-st group: Match the following expressions from the first part of the text:

                        1. century                                   a). занимает

                        2. status                                     b). заселен

                        3. is located                                с). статус

                        4. occupy                                   d). этнический

                        5. origin                                      e). жара



                       6. is inhabited                              f).век

                       7. ethnic                                    g).поселенцы

                       8. settlements                            h).расположен

                       9. common                                i).происхождение

                      10. heat                                      j).обычный


KEY: 1.f  2.c 3.h 4.a 5. i 6.b 7.d 8.g 9.j 10.e


II. Find the right meaning of the underlined word from the second part of the text:

   1. Nyagan is a pleasure to walk around too.

       a). удовольствие              b). приятный                  с). воля

   2.It is the favourite place of rest for the citizens of Nyagan.

       a). поселенцы                 b). нефтяники                c).горожане

   3. The eternal flame leaves nobody indifferent.

       a).вечный огонь             b). бесконечное пламя c).красный костер

   4. Citizens, guests and tourists come here to pay tribute to those who died at the front during the war.

      a).коллективный дар          b).отдавать дань уважения       с).наложить дань

   5. Each year many exhibitions from other parts of Russia are arranged there.

      a).располагаются              b).договариваются      с). принимаются меры

   6. The Local Musical Drama Theatre welcomes a great number of spectators every year.

      a). спектакли                    b).зрелище                      с). зрители



KEY: 1.a 2.c 3.a 4. b 5. a 6. c



III. Look at the poster of the central part of Nyagan and find the places of interest mentioned in the text. Use the expression “If you go to Nyagan, you can see (visit, enjoy)...”(вытягивают названия из мешочка).

1. The Square in the third district.

2. The Park with the Monument of Georgey Pobedonosets.

3. The monument to the Heroes of World II.

4. The eternal flame.

5. The Museum.

6. The Temple of Saint Alexey.

7. The Mosque.

8. The girl with a Dove.

9. Oilmen.

10. Caretaker and Plumber.

11. The Cultural Centre of Small Siberian People.

12. The Town Administration.



IY. Find in the text the adjectives with the positive, superlative negative degrees:


KEY: 1.western, various, cold, different, favourite, local

2. the most beautiful

3. indifferent


Y. Answer the questions:

   1. Where is Nyagan located?

   2. How many people do live in Nyagan?

   3. Who was the first settlements?

   4. How old is your town?

   5. What makes a person well-known?

   6. Who can be called a famous person in your town?


(Mariya Sharapova-is the best tennis player in the world. Katerina Akulova-is a famous journalist. Darya Domracheva- is an Olympic prize-winner in winter biathlon).


YI. T: Your hometask was: to write essay “ East or West-Nyagan is best”.(зачитывают свои сочинения и складываем in the Capsule of Generation”)


IY.T: The next step of our lesson is your presentations. You must watch, listen, then ask question and fill in this table. The motto: The more you live, the more you see, the more you see, the more you know. Speak about the most important things that you have seen and learned during your summer.








places of interest












































Y. The audition of the text “The Coat of Arms”. The presentation “There is no place like Nyagan”.


                          THERE   IS   NO   PLACE    LIKE   NYAGAN.

   The world learned of our town only in the 20-th century. In 1985 it was given the status of town, it is included in the Khanty-Manseysk Autonomus Okrug - Yugra. Our town is located in western Siberia, and occupies an area of 816 km, or 94 ha. Nyagan is 300 km away from Khanty- Manseysk.

       The origin of the town’s name comes from the river Nyakh- Ugan. “Nyakh” in the translation of Khantys language is “smile”.

       The population of Nyagan is about 57 thousand people. It is inhabited by various ethnic groups: Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Khantys, Moldavians, Bashkirs, Uzbeks and others. But the first settlements in this place were Khaymasovs.

       Nyagan is a taiga town. Forests cover its territory.  The climate is cold. Winters are cold and long; they usually begin in October and last until April. Cold temperatures of -40 0C are common in our region, but the heat of +30 0 C occurs in July.

       We can enjoy the most beautiful view of the town from plane. Nyagan is a pleasure to walk around too. The heart of the city is the Square in the third district. The Square is the place where different meetings, festivals and demonstrations take place. It is the favourite place of rest for the citizens of Nyagan. On the left of the Square is the park with the Monument of Georgey Pobedonosets and the Monument to the Heroes of World II. The eternal flame leaves nobody indifferent. Citizens, guests and tourists come here to pay tribute to those who died at the front during the war. On the right of the Square we can see the Museum. The Museum is a place to enjoy paintings by local artists. Each year many exhibitions from other parts of Russia are arranged there. There is the Temple of Saint Alexey and the Mosque in our town. You can see small monuments “The girl with a Dove”, “Oilmen” and “Caretaker and Plumber”. You can visit the Cultural Centre of Small Siberian People. The local Musical Drama Theatre welcomes a great number of spectators every year. They enjoy the performances of the local companies as well as those of touring companies  from Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk.

      The pride of any country is its people. The name of Mariya Sharapova is known not only in the Okrug, but in the world. Thus we can say that it is people and their deeds that bring fame to their region and Motherland.

      People should know as much as possible about our town because it is the history of the whole country.

  I.   The 1-st group: Match the following expressions from the first part of the text:

                        1. century                                   a). занимает

                        2. status                                     b). заселен

                        3. is located                                с). статус

                        4. occupy                                   d). этнический

                        5. origin                                      e). жара

                         6. is inhabited                                f).век

                        7. ethnic                                     g).поселенцы

                        8. settlements                             h).расположен

                        9. common                                 i).происхождение

                       10. heat                                        j).обычный













II. IY. Find in the text the adjectives with the positive, superlative negative degrees:


III. Y. Answer the questions:

   1. Where is Nyagan located?

   2. How many people do live in Nyagan?

   3. Who was the first settlements?

   4. How old is your town?

   5. What makes a person well-known?

   6. Who can be called a famous person in your town?

IY. Watch, listen and fill in the table:







places of interest










































Y. Discuss your friends’ presentations.

                                                                     GOOD    LUCK!


I.  Find the right meaning of the underlined word from the second part of the text:

   1. Nyagan is a pleasure to walk around too.

       a). удовольствие              b). приятный                  с). воля

   2.It is the favourite place of rest for the citizens of Nyagan.

       a). поселенцы                 b). нефтяники                c).горожане

   3. The eternal flame leaves nobody indifferent.

       a).вечный огонь             b). бесконечное пламя c).красный костер

   4. Citizens, guests and tourists come here to pay tribute to those who died at the front during the war.

      a).коллективный дар          b).отдавать дань уважения       с).наложить дань

   5. Each year many exhibitions from other parts of Russia are arranged there.

      a).располагаются              b).договариваются      с). принимаются меры

   6. The Local Musical Drama Theatre welcomes a great number of spectators every year.

      a). спектакли                    b).зрелище                      с). зрители









II. . Find in the text the adjectives with the positive, superlative negative degrees:


III.  Answer the questions:

   1. Where is Nyagan located?

   2. How many people do live in Nyagan?

   3. Who was the first settlements?

   4. How old is your town?

   5. What makes a person well-known?

   6. Who can be called a famous person in your town?


IY. Watch, listen and fill in the table:







places of interest











































Y. Discuss your friends’ presentations.

                                                                      GOOD LUCK!


I. . Look at the poster of the central part of Nyagan and find the places of interest mentioned in the text. Use the expression “If you go to Nyagan, you can see (visit, enjoy)...”

1. The Square in the third district.

2. The Park with the Monument of Georgey Pobedonosets.

3. The monument to the Heroes of World II.

4. The eternal flame.

5. The Museum.

6. The Temple of Saint Alexey.

7. The Mosque.

8. The girl with a Dove.

9. Oilmen.

10. Caretaker and Plumber.

11. The Cultural Centre of Small Siberian People.

12. The Town Administration.


II. . Find in the text the adjectives with the positive, superlative negative degrees:


III.  Answer the questions:

   1. Where is Nyagan located?

   2. How many people do live in Nyagan?

   3. Who was the first settlements?

   4. How old is your town?

   5. What makes a person well-known?

   6. Who can be called a famous person in your town?



IY. Watch, listen and fill in the table:







places of interest












































Y. Discuss your friends’ presentations.

                                                                      GOOD LUCK!


1. The Square in the third district.

2. The Park with the Monument of Georgey Pobedonosets.

3. The monument to the Heroes of World II.



4. The eternal flame.

5. The Museum.

6. The Temple of Saint Alexey.



7. The Mosque.

8. The girl with a Dove.

9. Oilmen.



10. Caretaker and Plumber.

11. The Cultural Centre of Small Siberian People.

12. The Town Administration.


Анализ урока: Тип урока-Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с элементами проверки знаний, навыков и умений.

                     Это 7-й урок в 3-й главе(заключительный). В данном разделе учащиеся учатся рассказывать о своих каникулах на море, за границей, в городе. Каникулы-это возможность узнать и увидеть много нового, научиться полезным и интересным вещам.

                     1-й урок- Исторические и культурные ценности Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга- знакомились с ценностями города Нягани.

                     2-й урок – знакомство с  активной лексикой  для понимания текста «There is no place like Nyagan”.

                     3-й урок – использование активной лексики по теме «Как я провел каникулы» в речевых ситуациях «Отдых за границей», «Отдых на море», «Что я делал в Нягани».

                     4-й урок – отработка и употребление лексики в написании сообщений и в подготовке проектов по теме «Как я провел каникулы».

                     5-й урок- развитие умений вести диалог-расспрос (повторение типов вопросов).

                     6-й урок –формирование умений делать проекты (первый опыт в электронном варианте). Знакомство с текстом про Нягань.

                     7-й урок – Выполнение заданий по тексту и презентация проектов, сообщений с обсуждением.


               Реальное использование межпредметных связей, в данном случае- с географией, историей, внеклассной работой, регионоведение.

               Формы организации обучения- общеклассная, групповая, парная, индивидуальная.

               Методы обучения: самостоятельной работы, проблемно-поисковый, словесный, наглядный, практический, контроля, описания, индуктивный, дедуктивный, исследовательский, стимулирования.

               Приемы обучения: дифференцированный, коммуникативный, активизации устно-речевых высказываний при выполнений творческих заданий, теста, социальной компетенции.

               Технологии: информационно-коммуникативная, здоровьесберегающая, проектная, личностно-ориентированная.

               Средства обучения: компьютер, карта города Нягань, плакат с видами города Нягань, идентификационные задания на листах, текст, карта мира, проектные работы учащихся.

               Учебные материалы: учебник, дополнительные источники.

Категория: Для средних классов | Добавил: missiszagor-galina
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