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Тесты для 7 класса
16.07.2015, 15:58

I. Контрольный  срез  по  английскому  языку  +  в  7   классе  :


I. Read  the  text  and  do  the  tasks:


   The old city of London had narrow, crooked streets with wooden houses. It was a dirty city. In 1665 75,000 Londoners died from Plague. On September 2nd, 1666 a bakery in Pudding Lane near the London Bridge caught fire.

    After a long summer the wooden houses were dry. A wind was blowing from the river. It blew the flames from house to house, and in the narrow streets the fire spread quickly.

    The fire burned for four days. It destroyed 80% of the city. Nobody died in the fire.

    The people of London built a new city. The houses were made of brick or stone, not wood. The new streets were straight and they were wider and cleaner too. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt St. Paul’s Cathedral.


 a). Find antonyms:

      dirty-                     wide-

      wood-                   destroyed-


b). Write numerals by letters:

      1665-                       2nd -                          80% -

      75,000-                    1666-


c). Rewrite the verbs in Past Simple Tense into 2 columns; write the 1st form:


     Regular Verbs                            Irregular Verbs:


 d).  Answer  the questions:

     1. Why do you think the fire spread quickly?



      2. Why wasn’t there another fire after 1666?



II. Put the verbs into Past Simple.


1. Last night I (have) a wonderful dream.

2. We (take) a trip to Hawaii.

3. I (be) with my family and two of my friends.

4. We (be) on a ship and we (travel) to Honolulu.

5. On the ship there (be) a disco.



I. Put the adjectives in brackets in the right form.

   1. I think Chinese food is (delicious)______________________than French.

   2. The elephant is (big)________________ than tiger.

   3. Winter is (cold)___________________season of the year.

   4. Tom is (lazy) ____________________pupil in our class.

   5. Mr. Brown is as (talkative) __________________ as Mrs. Brown.

   6. The Oka is not as (long) __________________as the Ob.



II. Use  the, a , - (no article).

   1. We want to go to_____ Germany next year.- Go in August. It is _____best time in ____Germany.

   2. He is _____my friend.

   3. Do you speak _______Japanese? Is it difficult?

   4. _____largest ocean in the world is______Pacific Ocean.


III. Match the expressions and their translations.

    1.You are pulling my leg.                                         А. быть сильным как вол.

   2. It doesn’t matter.                                                 B. вести себя хорошо

     3. Do you need a hand?                                           C. быть голодным,  как волк

    4. This is a top secret document.                              D. Вы уволены.

    5. You are making it up!                                           E. Она руководитель агенства.

    6. You are fired.                                                       F. быть красным от стыда

    7. She is the head of our agency.                              G. Это не имеет значения.

    8. Guess what?                                                         H. Вам помочь?

    9. He is as strong as an ox.                                       I. Вы шутите.

   10. His face is as read as a beetroot.                          J.И представляешь?

   11. She is as good as gold.                                        K. Это совершенно секретный документ.

   12. It is as hungry as a hunter.                                   L. Вы все выдумываете.


IY. Complete the file about yourself.


     Family name____________________________________________________________

     Nationality _____________________________________________________________

     Country ________________________________________________________________

     What do you do?__________________________________________________________

     Interests :________________________________________________________________

     What are you like _________________________________________________________


Y. Translate into English.

    1. – Извините, можно войти?

    2. – Извините, я опоздал (а).

    3. – Можно выйти?

    4. – Кто сегодня дежурный? – Я.

    5. – Кто сегодня отсутствует?- Иванов.





I. Write the forms of the verbs:

  1. Past Perfect                        (..........V..........)

  2. Past Progressive                 (......... V.........)

  3. Past Simple                        ( V..........)

  4. Present Perfect                   (......... V.........)


II. Write the forms of the following verbs:

     Do     did       done                                 

     Make  .........         .........                   hide  -

     Give   .........         .........                         go-

     Tell     .........         .........                         have-       

     Buy    ..........         .........                         know-

     Bring  .........          ..........                       see-

     Come .........          ..........                    blow-

     Drive  ..........        ............                      get-



III. Put the correct form of the verb:

     Madonna (1).........(be) a famous singer. She (2).............(act) in several films as well. She (3)..............(write) a book some time ago which (4).................(become) very popular. She (5) ...................(travel) all over the world giving concerts. She (6)..............(have) many hit songs already and she (7)..............(make) more records in the future. She (8).................(act) in more films too. She (9).....................(become) famous in the 1980’s and she (10)...............(be) a millionairess now.


IY. Make questions:

   Mom had made a cake by the time Nick came home.

1).yes| no




5).hadn’t she


Y. Fill in the words in the table:



Things to eat


     Cheese, actor, toast, arrive, palace, ham, village, want, bring, chicken, journalist, night club, beach, engineer, office, listen, doctor, flat, orange, interpreter, town, dentist, milk, drink.

YI. Reply to the letter:

      Can you tell me about yourself and your school, what it’s like.







Категория: Мониторинги | Добавил: missiszagor-galina
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