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Тесты для 8 класса +
16.07.2015, 15:48

I. Контрольный   срез   в   8  классе   по   английскому языку   +.


I.Прочитайте тексты (0-5) и установите соответствие рубрикам A-F.После выполнения задания занесите ответы в таблицу.


A. Guide- book Information

B. Biography

C. Story from Greek Mythology

D. Fairy Tale

E. Book

F. Page from a Geography Textbook

1. Natalia Toro, who is 15, aced her first class at ten, entered high school after the sixth grade and took college course in her senior year.

     Speaks fluent Spanish, Italian and French.


2. The genre of detective stories is one of the most popular nowadays both in British and in Russia. Detective stories together with romances are sold in millions of copies all over the world. That is what we prefer.


3. The London underground is the oldest and busiest in the world. The platforms are much narrower and more crowded than in modern underground systems. There are nine underground lines. There is NO SMOKING anywhere on the London underground.


4. Hawaii is known for the beauty of its countryside and its mild climate. Hawaii is a chain of many islands formed by volcanoes that rose from the ocean floor. The Hawaiian Islands are really the tops of these mountains and volcanoes. Hawaii is the youngest US state and the only one is made up of islands.


5. The weaponry of Heracles includes his famous club, which he made himself in order to accomplish his first labour, the sword that Hermes gave him, his bow and arrows, gifts from Apollo; Hephaestus made him a present of a gold breast-plate and Poseidon gave him horses. Athena added a veil to the breast-plate made by Hephaestus.


6. Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, and one morning he started to go and seek his fortune. He hadn’t gone very far before he met a cat.

    “Where are you going, Jack?” said the cat.

    “I am going to seek my fortune”.

    “May I go with you?”

    “Yes,” said Jack, “the more the merrier”.














II.Выпишите из текстов следующие грамматические явления:

    1)глаголы в Passive Voice (4)

    2)глаголы в Past Simple   (11)

    3)прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени (6)

    4) числительные порядковые и количественные (8)


III. Фразовый глагол to turn. Используйте нужное слово out, up, into, чтобы придать предложениям законченный смысл.


    1. Do you know that Steve has turned ______to be a very good guitar player?

    2. After these events the fearful wolf disappeared and never turned ______ again.

    3. If you heat water up to 100C, it turns ______ steam.

    4. The test turned ______ to be easier than we had thought.

    5. She tried hard to turn everything ______ a joke.

    6. Guess who turned ______ at my place yesterday?

    7. The boy turned ______ to be my new neighbour.

    8. I just sat down and waited for the ice to turn ______water.


IY. Answer the questions:


    1. What books did you enjoy most?

    2. What is the name of the book?

    3. Who is the author of the book?

    4. Why did you enjoy it?










                            GOOD   LUCK!!!



I. Write the sentence with the Present Perfect Progressive:

  1. Ann is very tired. (she| work| hard)

  2. Janet is hot and tired. (she| play| tennis)

  3. Kevin is studying. He began studying three hours ago.

  4. I’m learning Spanish. I started learning Spanish in December.

  5. You see a little boy. His eyes are red and watery. (you| cry?)

  6. You have just arrived to meet your friend who is waiting for you. (you| wait| long?)


II. Fill the gaps (phrasal verb GET)- up, over, off, along, on.

   1.How are you getting ...with this exercise?

   2.If he gets ...early, he’ll come on time.

   3.It was too hard for  her to get  ...after that illness.   

   4. My sister and her husband get ... very well.

   5. Take this bus and get ... in 15 minutes.


III. Form negative adjectives and translate them (un-, in-, im-,ir-):

    Clear, convenient, personal, regular, interesting, formal, active, responsible, popular, known.


IY.  Interpersonal Communication:

   1. -Kate is going to take me to a restaurant.   –You:

   2. –Tom and Nick are very difficult to work with .   – You:

   3. – You seem to be too cruel to him.   – You:

   4. – I didn’t sleep a wink last night.    – You:

   5. – Take it easy, Mom. We’re not about to get married.  –You:

   6. – Well, I didn’t clean the house and I didn’t  study. I stayed in bed and watched TV.     – YOU:

   7.-If you help me to get the votes, I’ll do your chemistry home works.  –You:


Y. Writing a Personal Letter:


       ...At school we ere doing projects on schools and school rules in different countries. Could you tell me what kind of rules you have in your school?

    As the holidays are coming I am thinking of looking for a job...


    Write a letter to Vicky.

    In your letter

    - tell her about the rules in your school (2-3 examples)

    - ask 3 questions about a job she would like to have


   Remember the rules of letter writing.


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