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Тесты для 6 класса
16.07.2015, 15:44



I. Write the text in the Past  Simple Tense:

    After lessons he goes (1) home and has (2) his dinner. For dinner he has (3) soup, and meat or fish, and some fruit. After dinner he goes (4) for a walk or plays (5) in the park with his friends. Then he does (6) his lessons. He reads (7) texts and writes (8) exercises. In the evening he watches (9) TV, plays (10) with his brother or reads (11) books. At ten o’clock he goes (12) to bed.

1.-                         4.-                                  7.-                                     10.-

2.-                         5.-                                  8.-                                     11.-

3.-                         6.-                                  9.-                                     12.-



II. Write 2 forms of the verbs:

 1. get-                                    4. make-                                 7. come-                                10. stand-

 2. rain-                                    5. be-                                     8. sit-

 3. help-                                   6. put-                                    9. give-



III. Answer the questions:


 1. You had a nice time during the holidays, didn’t you?

 2. What did you do during that time?

 3. Did you stay at home all the time?

 4. Where did you go?

 5. Who came to see you last week?

 6. Did you do your homework in the morning or in the evening?

 7. Were you in Moscow last year?

 8. Who was absent yesterday?

 9. What was the first lesson yesterday?

10. How many lessons did you have yesterday?


IY. Make questions:

 My best friend went to England last year.

1. Who

2. Where

3. When

4. What

5. Did

6. Did

7.My best friend went to England last year,







                                  GOOD       LUCK!!!


II.Контрольный срез по английскому языку в 6 классе +:


I.Расставьте в нужной последовательности номера предложенных текстов:

                                    АТ    SCHOOL















1. At this lesson you read English texts, speak, ask and answer questions, play games.

2. At this lesson you draw and paint. You have papers and pencils, a brush and an eraser.

3. At this lesson you write in your exercise-books and count.

4. At this lesson you read, write, do exercises, ask and answer questions. We speak Russian.

5. At this lesson you do not read and write. You run, jump in the Gym.


II. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям:

1. Mary works at a bookshop. Where…

2. I can speak English very well. Can…

3. My sister plays chess well. How…

4. He comes home at 4 o’clock. Does…

5. Mr. John lives in the country. Who…


III. Образуйте разделительные вопросы:

1. This is a jacket,… ?

2. You cannot speak French,….?

3. The table isn’t large,… ?

4. The little girl is sitting,…?

5. Lena’s face is round,…?


IY. Ответьте  на вопросы:

1. What form are you in?

2. Is your friend a boy or a girl?

3. What is the season now?

4. What is the weather today?

5. How many lessons do you have today?






                            GOOD       LUCK!

Категория: Мониторинги | Добавил: missiszagor-galina
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